viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Take Your Pick By Laura Posada

There’s nothing like the sensory discovery of a season to really help bring it to life. Getting your hands on the fresh vegetables of the season is deeply gratifying and also makes for unforgettable fall family activities. The following ideas make for excellent day trips, or weekend getaways where you might consider also booking a stay at an overnight inn or bed-and-breakfast.

Lords of the Gourde: Think about visiting a pumpkin patch one weekend, where you can collectively select the celebratory gourde of your choice.

An Apple a Day: Apple picking is another fantastic autumnal plan, and better yet, you’ll end up with a full batch of healthy snacks for weeks.

Praise the Corn Maze: Many farms offer corn maze activities for kids that include puzzles, labyrinths, scavenger hunts and learning about farming.

Immunity Boosting for Fall By Laura Posada

We all know what it’s like to wake up on a November morning with that dreaded tickle in our throat, and that horrid, achy feeling that you know is just the beginning of what will turn into an awful cold.

It’s even worse when your kids are the ones who wake up with that nasty feeling. But there are lots of little things you can do to arm your whole family against these pesky seasonal maladies, and simultaneously boost everyone’s collective immunity.

* Research shows that eating eight servings of vegetables is one sure-fire way to increase immunity.

So think about putting carrot and celery sticks in your kids’ snack and lunch bags; and instead of making one veggie serving for dinner, come up with comprehensive vegetarian menus that feature three or four different vegetables in interesting ways. Don’t afraid to be abundant in your use of vegetables, and dare to think of vegetables as “entrees.”

* Another way to boost immunity is by cooking with lots of garlic, which contains allicin, the active ingredient known for fighting bacteria and infection. Never mind that garlic makes everything taste better anyway!

* Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day is another way to keep the immune system strong, as it promotes a routine flushing of toxins.
* Research also shows that not enough sleep can be detrimental to the immune system, so you should set certain bed time hours and keep to them, in an effort to keep everyone’s sleep cycle as balanced as possible. Drinking warm milk and counting sheep definitely come in handy if you have a little night owl on your hands.
* Consider implementing bi-weekly oatmeal mornings at home, as these grains contain beta-glucan, a fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

* Fresh OJ in the morning is another Vitamin C no-brainer, as is fresh pomegranate juice, for the more exotic among you.
* Exercise can also help strengthen your immune system by improving blood flow, flushing away toxins from muscles and organs, and helping to keep the kidneys and endocrine system working well. Staying active also helps with germ elimination and to circulate antibodies.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

On the Road Championship Tips By Laura Posada

Most of you know that my other half is NY Yankees All Star Catcher Jorge Posada.

During the last couple of weeks, to show my support, I have been on the road with him and constantly away from my home. With this very hectic schedule it has been impossible for me to cook at home and I have had to turn to discipline in order to stay in shape.

Up until now being disciplined has paid off and I continue to maintain my ideal weight. Let me share with you a couple of tips that have helped me even when on the road.

1. When packing always remember to take your workout clothing and your sneakers, that way you will not have any excuses not to get some needed exercise in to your busy schedule. Before starting your day, you can take a half an hour walk. It is an excellent way to sightsee while you to get your heart rate going. You can also visit the hotel’s gym and if the hotel does not have one look for one in the vicinity, they will usually give you a free one-day pass. You can also visit the nearest park where you can perform various exercises using your own body weight.

2. Always try to remember that a trip is a perfect time to relax your body and your mind and not necessarily a free pass to eat whatever is put in front of you. Try to maintain a balanced diet and consume produce that is typical to the area that you are visiting and in season. Try fruits and vegetables that you might not be able to eat back home and remember to control your sugar intake.

3. If you trip will be long, always bring a couple of snacks for you and your family. I recommend that you take apples, bananas, nuts, whole-wheat turkey sandwiches, low fat yogurt, carrots or celery sticks. You never know if your flight will get delayed and you will be stuck at the airport with nothing but fast food joints to choose from. Remember it is better to be safe than sorry!!

4. Keep in mind that it is very important to hydrate!! Always remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. When you are on the road and outside of your routine and your home it is very easy to forget to drink enough fluids. I recommend that you take a bottle with you that you can refill everywhere you go.

5. Finally, I will encourage you to try to maintain a healthy balance between planned activities and resting.

When you go back home you will jump back in to the daily grind and it is necessary for you to get enough sleep while you travel. Otherwise, you will return home even more tired than when you left.